Successful breakthrough of the Semmering Base Tunnel with Erkat drum cutter

September 19, 2024

In September 2024, the breakthrough of the first tube of the Semmering Base Tunnel in Austria was successfully completed. This significant infrastructure project now connects Mürzzuschlag and Gloggnitz in the state of Lower Austria for the first time through the future railway tunnel. An Erkat transverse drum cutter played a crucial role in this achievement.
For the Österreichischen Bundesbahnen (ÖBB), the breakthrough marks a major milestone. Excavation of the two tubes, each approximately 27,3 kilometers long, has been ongoing since 2014. The completion of all tunneling work in the Semmering Base Tunnel is expected in the first quarter of 2025.

"The Semmering Base Tunnel is a long-awaited milestone in rail expansion. It will significantly reduce travel time between Vienna and southern Austria, creating more attractive rail connections for both passengers and freight in the heart of Europe."

Leonore Gewessler ,Austrias Minister for Climate Protection

"Under difficult geological conditions, everyone involved, from project management to specialized departments and external partners to the miners, has achieved great things."

Andreas Matthä ,ÖBB CEO emphasized the project´s challenges

50 minutes faster travel

The Semmering Base Tunnel represents a significant advancement for European and Austrian rail transport. In the future, travelers and goods will be able to travel from Graz to Vienna about 50 minutes faster. Currently, the fastest trains between the two cities take around two and a half hours.

Erkat transverse drum cutters

Erkat transverse drum cutters are suitable for profiling rock or concrete walls, tunnel construction, trenching, excavating frozen soil or soft rock in quarries, as well as for demolition work.


Robust gears ensure optimal energy transmission and reliability. The QuickSnap locking system allows for quick and easy chisel changes. A wide range of cutting heads for various applications is available. The robust housing with HARDOX wear protection ensures a longer service life. The highly durable drive shaft bearing, with a maintenance-free sliding ring seal system and the adaptable high-torque gear motor offer more productivity and a longer motor lifespan. These features make Erkat transverse drum cutters the ideal choice for the successful breakthrough of the Semmering Base Tunnel and many other tunnel projects ahead.

For more information please contact:

Anja Kaulbach

Global Marketing & Communications Manager


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Press release Erkat 2024